Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Record for Safestart

We are extremely proud of the employees of Chester County Coca-Cola for their dedicated focus on safety at home and in the workplace.  Safestart has become a way of life.  Chester County Coca-Cola has broken their record for days without a lost time injury.  Presently they are at 1206 days without a lost time injury.  The prior company record was 1203.  They have NOT had a recordable injury in 2013!  Please join me in congratulating them on a daily job well done.

By: Chris Horn, Director of Human Resources

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Emergency Preparedness

Coca-Cola Bottling of Chester County and Coca-Cola Bottling of the Lehigh Valley, both completed fire extinguisher training!  Thanks to everyone who volunteered! Let's hope we never need to use the training.

Walt Gursky in action!

Fight Complacency: learn from the actions of others

Complacency is perhaps one of the biggest problems we face in completing our day-to-day tasks. We are “used” to things being a certain way each time and unless the obvious comes right out and hits us . . . we can be oblivious to it all. This is state of mind can affect many things such as productivity, quality and safety.

There is much danger in going into “autopilot” when working on the job. All too often we don’t realize how complacent we are until we have a near miss or close call. Those events tend to jump start our hearts and focus our attention . . . at least for a little while, on the task at hand. 

Wet roads, leaves lead to accidents. Keep your eyes on the conditions.

One technique found to be effective in battling complacency in your own actions is to watch the actions of other while they work. This has a dual-fold effect in that it raises your awareness as you examine the actions of a coworker as they are working and it may raise your coworker’s awareness if you share with them some of the observations you made that would allow them to do their job in a safer manner. It can be a win-win.

Try this technique today as you are working and feel yourself going into the complacent state of auto-pilot. You'll find it truly can work well . . . for everyone. Fight complacency, work on your habits so you’re safe 24/7!

Use safe lifting techniques every time