Monday, February 10, 2014

Everyday Safety Mishap

Complacency at Home
Real life, Real Story

Part One – Tell Your Story
 What were you doing? What was your state of mind, and what happened?

As I was going about my normal routine at home, I pulled a chair out to stand on so I could change the light bulb. I should have gotten the step ladder.

What went wrong? (Critical Errors)
 I fell off the chair

 What was the injury?
 Back pain, knee pain, contusion

 Part Two – States & Errors
What were the States?
What were the errors?  
Eyes not on task
Mind not on task
Loss balance, traction, grip 
 Part Three – Critical Error Reduction Techniques (CERT) 
 What CERT(s) may have prevented the incident/injury?
Self-trigger on the state (or amount of hazardous energy) so you don't make a critical error
Analyze close calls and small errors to prevent agonizing over big ones
Look at others for patterns that increase the risk of injury
Work on habits (grab the step stool and utilize three points of contact)